Kinesthetic Edge

Improve how you move!

professional development

How Does a Mind Reach?

SENSEAndrea Higgins3 Comments

I recently attended a professional development workshop with one of my most important and influential teachers, a woman by the name of Aliza Stewart. Aliza is a master Feldenkrais Method® teacher. I first came to know her in 2002, when I enrolled in a Professional Feldenkrais Training Program. It so happened that I joined the program late, and needed to do some private study in order to catch up. Aliza, who was the Assistant Trainer for the four-year training program, was to be my mentor. 


Embodied in Taiko

MOVEAndrea Higgins1 Comment
In unison, the drummers place their sticks on the drums in front of them. Almost imperceptibly, a light tapping begins, rapid fire Te- Ke- Te- Ke- Te- Ke- Te- Ke. The motion of hands alternating right- left, right- left soon becomes visible. The sound grows heavier and fuller. Lightly tapping hands quickly become pounding arms. The drummers push their sticks down toward the center of the drums. Hitting the rim and drum simultaneously, they drive the sound to an ear-splitting crescendo TA- KA- TA- KA- TA- KA- TA- KA. Their flailing arms become a blur of vertical lines framed by their rigid bodies....Just as quickly, sound and movement recede to nearly imperceptible once more Te- Ke- Te- Ke- Te- Ke- Te- Ke....until the lead drummer slices through the din DON- DON- DON- DON. Silence. Drummers freeze. Echoes fade. Hair stands on end.

Shawn Bender, "Taiko Boom"